Oct. 24, 2017

Contemporary Art Tour In Audio: Exploring Bangkok’s MOCA [Season 2 Episode 55]

Contemporary Art Tour In Audio: Exploring Bangkok’s MOCA [Season 2 Episode 55]

We step out of the studio and our comfort zones to explore another of Bangkok’s under-appreciated gems: the MOCA. Also known as Bangkok’s Museum of Contemporary Art.

We’re not whispering to make it hard for you to hear. We’re doing it to be respectful, because we recorded this episode inside the Museum of Contemporary Art in northern Bangkok. Now, bear in mind that neither of us are huge art people. But museums such as Bangkok MOCA are designed to be accessible by anyone, not just art aficionados. Today, we put that to the test. Spoiler: We loved it! The middle part of this episode features our honest reaction to some of the art as we encounter it. Now, keep in mind that art appreciation isn’t the type of experience that lends itself to being expressed in audio. So you won’t be surprised as we try to interpret for you the… well, let’s say “more eclectic” pieces from Thailand’s contemporary artists. Hopefully it comes off as funny as we intended it, and not mean-spirited. Even though the choice bits below may appear the opposite, we really did enjoy our time at Bangkok’s MOCA and would highly recommend you visit, too. If you do listen to the full episode, you’ll have some context for these choice reactions and more:
  • “It’s hard to fault a painting that has a 3D penis.”
  • “Body, mind, peaceful: Three words I don’t think about when I think of Hitler.”
  • “This looks like something out of Ghostbusters…”
  • “That dog has no head. This one is wearing a necklace with three penises on it.”
  • “And… the painter likes big balls.”
  • “What would happen if a hippopotamus had a baby with a cicada? That’s your answer.”
  • “This would really cool if we had a skateboard. It would be even cooler if we remembered how to ride it.”
  • “I’ve never seen so many boobs in such a short amount of time.”
Seriously. Give our interpretation a chance. You’ll laugh at our antics (and likely lament our lack of cultural exposure) and hopefully decide to add all six floors of Bangkok’s MOCA to your must-see list. It’s a fantastic way to spend a good part of your day, whether you’ve been in Bangkok for years or are just visiting for a few days. It’s worth it!

Love, Loathe, or Leave

This building is sparkling clean, which makes it an anomaly in Bangkok. Unless you’re on a public escalator in Bangkok. Those things are sparkly clean, from the handrails to the treads. Listen in to find how how we feel about that (which is pretty obvious) and how and why the janitorial staff keep them immaculate.

We Love Our Supporters!

Before we recorded this show we recorded an entire episode about our journey to the MOCA exclusive to our patrons! You can get that full episode when you join dozens of other people who help us keep the show free of annoying by supporting us on Patreon. Please?  Thank you!

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